Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jindagi ke raaste

Jindagi some times its so good and when the road is smooth with beautiful climate u tend to close your eye and enjoy your ride. But road doesnot goes smooth and straight forever. Any change over the road and you know the result.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lost wishes...

You gave me the star, only to take it back.
when all i wished was to hold a diamond

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I feared.....

I feared people`s opinions... until I learned that people would have opinions about me anyway

I feared failure... until I realised that I only fail when I dont try

I feared success... until I had to try in order to be happy with myself

I feared growing old... until I realised that I gained wisdom everyday :)

I feared the future... until I realised that Life just kept getting better

I feared the past... until I realised that it could no longer hurt me

I feared to love... until it touched my heart, making darkness fade into endless sunny days

I feared being alone... until I learned to love myself

I feared life... until I experienced its beauty